Early Thursday, disturbing video footage surfaced of ex-football player Zac Stacy physically abusing his ex-girlfriend in front of their 5-month-old son.
The video is triggering for many including Evelyn Lozada who reportedly went through a domestic violence situation with Chad Ochocinco.
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Speaking of Zak Stacy.
TMZ has an update on Zac who is still not in police custody and facing two felony charges.
Aggravated battery and criminal mischief, according to police docs obtained by TMZ Sports.
If convicted, the aggravated battery charge carries up to 15 years behind bars, and the criminal mischief carries up to 5.
In the docs, cops say the woman sustained injuries to her face, torso, and legs.
Cops also say the 65″-inch TV that was destroyed is valued at $1,000 … and the baby’s bouncy was damaged.
This happened to my best friend Kristin in front of their child. Now that a federal warrant has been issued, she feels safe sharing this. #ZacStacy is on the run from Florida in Nashville, TN. Please expose this monster and help catch him pt 3 pic.twitter.com/ZWCYsrB1m1
— Online Desserts Classes (@bougieeats) November 18, 2021
11:03 AM PT — The victim of Stacy’s attack is urging anybody with information regarding the former football player’s whereabouts to come forward to law enforcement.