How To Keep Your Colored Hair Bold and Vibrant For Longer

Look for products that are labeled "color-safe" or "for color-treated hair 

Use color-safe shampoo and conditioner 

Use a heat protectant spray or serum before using hot tools like flat irons and curling wands. 

Protect your hair from heat 

Over-shampooing can strip the color from your hair. Try to shampoo only 2-3 times a week. 

Avoid over-shampooing 

Cold water helps seal the hair cuticles, which helps keep color from fading. 

Rinse with cold water 

Touching up your roots regularly can help keep your overall color looking fresh. 

Touch-up roots regularly 

Chlorine can strip the color from your hair. If you plan on swimming, wear a swim cap or use a leave-in conditioner to help protect your hair. 

Avoid swimming in chlorinated water 

 A weekly deep-conditioning treatment can help nourish and protect your hair, keeping it healthy and vibrant.

Use a weekly deep-conditioning treatment 

UV rays from the sun can fade your hair color. When spending time outdoors, wear a hat or use a UV protectant spray. 

Avoid excessive exposure to sunlight