Not Jonathan Majors caught on video a day before his court appearance breaking up ‘a random school fight’ at an “In and Out Burger’?!
TMZ obtained the video showing 2 female students trading serious blows Monday afternoon at Hollywood High School, which happens to be directly across the street from an In-N-Out … and that’s how Jonathan got involved.
The actor was grabbing lunch when he saw the girls, and decided to rush into the middle of the melee to rip the girls apart, urging them to calm down and telling them it isn’t worth it.
Majors is obviously a lot bigger than both of the combatants, but that doesn’t slow them down, as they continued attacking each other even while he was in the middle. Eventually, he gets them fully pulled apart and gets the situation under control.
Unclear where school faculty was during the brawl, but it’s a good thing Majors decided to step in. We’re told after the video cut, both girls went their separate ways.
TMZ spoke to Jonathan in West Hollywood hours after the fight, and he told us he just wanted to make sure those involved didn’t get hurt, and hoped the girls were doing ok after what went down.
TMZ obtains video of Jonathan Majors breaking up a high school fight between two girls.
— Pop Base (@PopBase) September 14, 2023
Of course Twitter is cutting up over the footage, some flat out calling it a publicity stunt.
Looks like Jonathan Majors is working with a new Crisis PR Team
— Vince Mancini (@VinceMancini) September 14, 2023
Jonathan Majors lawyer really thinks staging him stopping 2 girls from fighting is gonna change the perception of him
— MadIzHoes (@ChickFightz) September 14, 2023
This how Jonathan Majors arrived at the
— Marc (@MarAbh999) September 14, 2023
The fact that TMZ is the first to release that Jonathan Majors video and not a the “high schooler” that recorded it on some account with 300 followers says everything lmao
— RNIC (@DepressedDETN) September 14, 2023
The girls in the Jonathan Majors video:
— micayla, its time for layover ✈️ (@megstrivia) September 14, 2023
Y'all: How come no one ever breaks up a fight? Just standing around recording
Jonathan Majors: *sees fight and breaks it up*
Y'all: LMAO pr stunt! So obviously staged
— Phella (@iamphella) September 14, 2023
Majors is still in the middle of a legal fight with his ex-girlfriend, who’s accusing him of getting violent during a night out in NYC. He’s actually due back in court Friday for that case.