You might not have heard of Anaya Fernando, but the 18-year-old is making money moves!
Fernando founded Sugar Sweet Bath + Body Treats, a fast-rising beauty and bath self-care brand.
And she has signed a new deal with Fresh Thyme.
The Company is Growing Explosively
The company’s main base is in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
However, thanks to the lucrative deal they struck with Fresh Thyme, the company now has the funds to expand its operations beyond the town.
According to the terms of Fernando’s deal, Fresh Thyme will be the hub for four of the company’s bestselling products.
This expansion exists to meet the explosive surge in demand for Sugar Sweet Bath + Body Treats products.
And Fresh Thyme hopped in just in time: Fernando’s business has already received significant support from community leaders, mentors, and other entrepreneurs.
Considering where the business started, this deal shouldn’t be surprising.
Fernando launched Sugar Sweet Bath + Body Treats four years ago.
The business has grown steadily during this time and received plenty of acclaims.
The brand has also started selling in bulk for private label and wholesale customers this year.
She Is Living The Dream
Fernando revealed that she has always dreamt of owning her business since she was four years old.
Thankfully, Fernando’s parents were supportive: they pushed her to dream big and work hard, no matter how young or tough she might find it.
And it’s worked: when other 18-year-olds think of college, Fernando has grown her business to new levels she wouldn’t have imagined before.
She graduated on May 27th from Portage Northern High School and has achieved more than entrepreneurs ten years older.
Fernando hopes that others will see the work she’s done and the progress she’s made as a testament to the values she has learned and believes.
The Deal With Fresh Thyme is Just The Start
Fernando’s deal with Fresh Thyme was possible thanks to Teresa Baker and LLC Startup; the latter helps upcoming businesses that aim to move into retail.
Fernando hopes that through her journey, she can inspire other youths to follow their goals without giving up.
And we are all for that!