A curl activator is a leave-in hair styling product that helps to moisturize and enhance your natural curl pattern for a long period. They usually come in a creamy form but they can also come in a liquid form that you spray on your hair.
You can also call curl activators “curling creams”.
Advantages of Using Curl Activator on Your Natural Hair
1. They Moisturize The Hair
Providing your hair with moisture is one of the primary uses of a curl activator. Curl activators contain key ingredients like glycerin which can help to keep your hair hydrated for a long period. This then results in preventing your hair from breaking or getting dry.
2. They Define Your Curls
Another primary use of a curl activator is to give your hair an obviously defined bouncy curls.
3. They Reduce Frizz
Frizzy hair can be a bother with its messy appearance. A curl activator helps to combat frizz, thus, giving your hair a smooth controlled appearance.
3. They Keep Your Curls In Shape
Curl activators help to hold your curls in shape for a long period. They also improve your curls’ elasticity.
4. They Reduce Shrinkage
Shrinkage can make your natural hair appear smaller than its actual length and volume. The ingredients in some curl activators stretch your curls out, thus, reducing shrinkage to a minimum.
5. They Add Volume
Curl activators help add volume to your natural hair, making it look fuller.
6. They Protect Your Hair
Curl activators act as a protective shield to your hair from drying weather, and damage from heat styling, among others.
How To Use A Curl Activator for Natural Hair
Here are the hair supplies you’ll need:
- Hair clips
- Spray bottle
- Curl activator
- Moisturizing cream (optional)
- Blow dryer
First of all, put your hair in sections and clip them so you can work freely. Secondly, spritz a section until it is damp or soaking wet. Thirdly, apply the moisturizer. This is optional so if you don’t have one, you can just use your curl activator right away.
Scoop a sizable amount of curl activator on your fingertips and massage it into your hair from roots to tips. As you run your fingers through your hair strands, you’ll notice the curl patterns beginning to take an obvious shape. Repeat the process for the other sections. When you’re done, dry the hair with heat from your blow dryer.
You can also watch this video by Avrel to see how it is done:
Dos and Don’ts of Curl Activators
Do use your curl activator on clean wet or damp hair. This enables the product to saturate your hair and give the best results. Don’t apply your curl activator to dry hair as this can dry it out and give it a crunchy look and feel. It can also result in frizzy undefined curls.
Do apply your curl activator moderately to your hair (from roots to ends) for proper saturation. Do not apply excessive amounts of the product to your hair. This is because it can result in a flaky and greasy look.
Do use a curl activator with a light hold on your hair. This will keep your curl in shape. Do not use curl activators with heavy hold as this can weigh down your hair. They can also cause your hair to become stiff.