No matter how different our individual styles are, we all desperately want one thing from our wigs: for it to look as natural as possible! And V-part wigs are undoubtedly one of the most realistic wig closures available—and one of the most unique options, too.
But what exactly is so different about these wigs in particular? I mean, okay, the parting is shaped like a V, but how are they different from lace closures, and are they even the right option for you? There are so many questions to answers, so let’s deep dive into the greatness known as a V-part unit.
The biggest difference between a U-part wig and V-part wig is, of course, the shape! Obviously, one is shaped like a “U” and the other like a “V” but the key contrast in the units is about more than just the shape—it’s in how the shape of the opening changes what you can and cannot do with your leave-out and hairline!
Let’s take the U-shaped wigs, for example. They’re shaped like an open oval which means the opening of the wig is the same width from start to finish. Even if you were to adjust the “U” from a larger opening to a smaller one, you’d still have to use a thicker section of hair to properly and adequately cover the tracks at the top. This also means that U-part wigs are not the best option for the invisible part method.
But this is where U-part wigs and V-part wigs differ! V-parts start slim and widen at the top, and only get thinner the more you close them in. This gives you the freedom to decide how much (or how little!) hair you’d like to leave out, if any at all!
Other than that, these two wig variations are very similar in construction. They both often come with elastic bands, clips, and/or combs to help keep them secure and work with all hair types and textures. One is truly better than the other if, and only if, your personal hair needs and preferences say so.
So again, let’s recap the difference between a U-part and V-part wig:
- One is shaped like a “V” and the other is shaped like a “U”
- U-part wigs are wider and require more leave-out to create a natural hairline.
- V-part wigs can be worn as an invisible part, while most U-parts cannot.
As you can see, V-part wigs are versatile, flexible, and incredibly natural wigs when lace closures and frontals are just not working for you. Don’t sleep on something that could really step your hair game up, sis! Get yourself a V-part unit and flourish.