Let’s get one thing clear first: Every vagina has a smell. Period!
And not like roses, strawberries, or some Baccarat Rouge-like scent (yeah, those adverts are just a marketing gimmick). We’re talking about a mild, musky vaginal odor.
And this is not because you’re dirty or have sex regularly. Vaginas are self-cleaning organs (first and foremost), and the odor is usually a result of the release of fluid, the presence of bacteria (the good and healthy kind), and the presence of sweat glands (it’s human).
That said, certain vaginal odors should get you booking an appointment with your OBGYN stat (more on that below).
The same goes for if you notice a discharge that’s different from what you’re used to (chunky, extra foamy, dark yellow, green, or grey) along with a strong vaginal odor. These might be clear-cut signs that you might be dealing with something more serious than just a funky smell that’ll disappear in a day or three.
So, to help you figure out what might be going on (if you have been noticing a weird vaginal smell) or if you want to be a yoni expert, below are some common vaginal odors and what they mean, plus what experts say about them and when you should be worried.
Common Vaginal Odors And Their Causes
Zippy Or Zesty
Cause: Healthy bacteria for the win!!
The pH of most healthy vagina is typically acidic – usually between 3.8 and 4.5 – thanks to the presence of Lactobacilli (the good, healthy, and protective kind of bacteria).
The presence of this bacteria, which is the same strain found in fermented foods like sourdough bread or yogurt, is what makes it zippy or zesty.
But as long as the odor isn’t overpowering (don’t make you hold your nose in disgust), then you’re fine.
Sweet Like Candy
Cause: Glucose, Baby!

If your vagina smells more like freshly-baked cookies or a candy shop than fruit-salad sweet, you might be experiencing high glucose levels, a common symptom of diabetes.
If this vaginal odor persists and you have other symptoms associated with diabetes, you might need to call your physician.
Other times, it might result from the foods you’ve been taking. Yeah, those eating pineapples before sex and stuffing up on grapefruits and oranges to make your yoni smell and taste amazing hacks might not be far-fetched after all – there’s expert-backed proof of that.
But don’t also kill yourself with acidity trying to get your vagina to smell like a slice of heaven. Your girl is just fine the way she is!
Cause: Relax, It’s Just Your Menstrual Cycle Hun!
If you smell a metal-like or tinny vaginal odor, it’s an indicator of blood. The tinge of iron from your nether regions typically occurs around your menstrual cycle.
It can sometimes also occur after sexual intercourse due to a tear in your vulva and your vagina’s reaction to semen.
Unless you have an internal injury or have abnormal bleeding symptoms, the smell of iron isn’t a cause for alarm.
A Musky Scent
Cause: Normal Human Bodily Functions, Aka Sweat

Does your vagina smell kinda earthy like BO? Your sweat glands are the culprit!
And while we don’t want to compare your yoni to your underarms, a hot cardio sesh or a full day’s work can get your genitals smelling musky. And that’s completely normal.
Most of the sweat glands around your VAG (bikini line, bum, and inner thighs), the “apocrine sweat glands,” release sweat with a high protein or lipid content, which causes it to smell slightly funkier than the sweat released from the eccrine glands (located on your armpits, cheeks, forehead and foot soles).
A shower should help get things back to normal. Also, try switching to cotton undies (or ones with a cotton lining). They’re breathable and can help reduce the musky smell.
A Fishy Vaginal Odor
Cause: Don’t Walk, Run To Your Gyno Coz Bacterial Infection Or Trichomoniasis Might Be The Issue
Unless you deal with raw fish daily, the smell of raw fish shouldn’t be following you around or, even worse, coming from your body parts.
If you notice a fishy vaginal odor coming from your genitals, this might be a sign of bacterial vaginosis caused by the overgrowth of lactobacilli. In most situations, it’s accompanied by clear discharge, pain or discomfort during urination, and an itch that just won’t go away.
A fishy vaginal smell can also be a sign of trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted infection.
Either way, whether it’s bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis you’re dealing with, you need to book an appointment with a doctor immediately!
A Yeasty Or Bread-Like Smell
Cause: Anything Bready Or Cheesy Is A Sign Of A Fungal Infection (But Don’t Worry)

Most people loveee to eat cheese, but no one wants to walk around smelling like an overstuffed grilled cheese sandwich. If you’ve started noticing the smell of cheese or corn chips coming from your lady bits, then you should get that looked at.
It could signify a yeast infection. This is especially possible if you have also noticed some white clumpy discharge, discomfort when peeing, and an itch in your downstairs region.
Cause: No Biggie! Might Just Be The Brand Of Condoms Or Lube You’re Using
If your vagina smells like a freshly refilled pool or a just-cleaned lavatory after intercourse, you’re good.
It’s mostly likely a result of the particular condom or lubricant you’re using. In a few hours, the vaginal odor should subside.
However, if it’s been a minute since you used a condom or lube with your partner, you might have bacterial vaginosis. If so, check with a healthcare provider who’ll prescribe some antibiotics.
Garlicky/ Vinegary Odor
Cause: Time To Rethink Your Dieting Options, Boo!

When professionals tell you, “You are what you eat,” they’re typically being quite literal about it.
The food you eat ends up in your digestive tract and can affect your overall body odor, including your vaginal discharge.
Considering that your vagina is self-cleaning and releases an amount of discharge normally, this discharge is bound to smell like what you’ve been consuming. Therefore, if you notice the scent of garlic, vinegar, or even coffee, you might need to look at your diet.
This smell should only be of concern if it’s accompanied by other nasty symptoms like an increase/ change of color in your discharge.
Something Rotting
Cause: Ummm…See An OBGYN Stat! Because Something Foreign Might Be Stuck In There Sis!
We have all encountered the smell of something rotting at least once in our lives. However, we can guarantee that this isn’t a scent that should be coming from any part of your body, especially not an area as sensitive as your vagina.
The main culprit in cases like this is the presence of a foreign body. It can be a tampon you forgot to remove or some other organic miscellaneous object you shoved up there.
The best thing you can do is try to take the object out immediately after you realize what’s going on. If you can’t do this by yourself, rush to your doctor. This is especially necessary in the case of tampons because leaving them in for too long can cause toxic shock syndrome.
Cause: You Can’t Smell Sickness, But If You Think Your Vaginal Odor Is Extra Extra Extraaa Iffy, Seek Medical Attention ASAP

In the rarest cases, foul vaginal odors might be a cervical or uterine cancer symptom. But discharge and a foul-smelling vagina might not be the only or first indicators of cancer.
You might experience bleeding during sex or occasional spotting that becomes regular. The vaginal odor will also be very metallic.
If you experience unusual bleeding (not your menses), always contact your gynecologist.
Cause: Not Going To Sugarcoat It. You Need To Up Your Hygiene Practices!
Almost everyone has peed on themselves, even just a little as an adult, and therefore, the smell of urine is one that you can quickly pick up on.
If you notice your vaginal odor is constantly urine-like, you might first want to look at your bathroom habits. Are you wiping correctly after taking a wee, are you showering regularly, and how often do you change and clean your underwear?
If your bathroom and general hygiene are in order, you might want to consider having a medical check-up. It could be due to a UTI or a weak pelvic floor leading to the involuntary leaking of urine.
Apart From Vaginal Odors, How Do You Know Something Is Wrong Down There?

Apart from a foul vaginal odor, you need to be alarmed if you notice the following symptoms:
- Abdominal pain
- Abnormal bleeding
- Burning or pain during sexual intercourse
- Clumpy, extra-foamy, not white or somewhat cloudy kind of discharge
- Fever
- Itching around the vagina and vulva
- Pain when you pee
- Redness or irritation
If these symptoms occur and persist, stop what you’re doing and see a doctor ASAP!
How Do You Keep Your VAG Smelling Fresh?

No vagina is the same. And some people are more prone to infections (yeast infections, UTIs, etc.) than others. If that’s you, you might want to keep the following tips on hand to prevent a foul-smelling vaginal odor:
1. Avoid Soap – Yup. You only need your fingers and some warm water to cleanse your genitals. It’s a self-cleaning machine, after all.
2. Douching Is A No – Again, your vagina is a self-cleansing part. Inserting soap or other objects to clean it messes with your vaginal microbiome and can trigger an infection.
3. Swap Your Polyester Undies For Cotton – Materials such as poly and other unbreathable fabrics have been known to cause foul vaginal odors. Cotton keeps your vagina protected and relaxed.
4. Sleeping Naked Is Encouraged – Your vagina will be free, happy, and healthy! And a happy vagina equals a happy you!
5. Avoid Scented Products – if you’re going near your yoni (think condoms, detergent, lube, and tampons), it’s always best to go the organic, fragrance-free products way.
6. Probiotics Might Help – Consuming probiotics packed with various lactobacillus strains might help boost bacterial balance in your vagina. But make sure to take one specifically formulated for women.
7. Fruits, Yogurt, And Water Are Your BFF – Again, a healthy vagina equals a healthy you, sis! So feed it with healthy and vagina-loving nutrients and vitamins.
8. Use Protection – To avoid recurring infections and foul vaginal odors, always use condoms during sexual intercourse.
All in all, remember that vaginas are beautiful self-cleaning organs; therefore, as long as you are healthy, consuming a healthy diet, and maintaining good hygiene, a little musk is absolutely normal.
The better you understand your natural vaginal odor, the easier to notice when something is off.
Disclaimer: Please consult your physician before trying anything new or if you notice something is wrong. Never do anything without the advice of a physician first.