That might sound like a silly question, but a Tiktoker is going viral because he shared that exact scenario about a first date that went horribly wrong.
According to graphic designer @courty.vintage, he went to the movies after having drinks and pizza.
Sis drove because he said she likes to drive and he wasn’t going to turn down a free ride.
He said had one too many and due to the comfort of the theatre seats, he passed out during the movie.
When he woke up, she was gone and he had no ride home.
Watch below:
@courty_vintage Not sure who’s the bigger asshole in this situation. #ideservethis #viral #badfirstdate #fyp #lol #lastnightinsoho #sucked #damn #fml
and here is the back story:
@courty_vintage #stitch with @courty_vintage now anyone got a #question #comment or #concern #iwaswrong #badfirstdate #tinderdatesgonewrong #myfault #lol #fyp #fml
The comments were interesting, some people shared that they would have left as well if their date fell asleep. Some said that technically he ‘left’ first after she took the time, to get dressed, pick him up and spend time with him.
There were some that consoled Courty, sharing that she should have had enough maturity to wake him up, because “sleeping” at the movies could happen to anyone.
On his second video Courty said he paid for the drinks, and the movie tickets, she paid for the pizza and gave him $20.
Have you ever had a date fall asleep at the movies or anywhere for that matter? Who was wrong? Courty or his date? Comment below!