These days, more and more people are going for therapy and embracing the fact that your life doesn’t have to be falling apart to go in for a session.
However, even with the destigmatization of mental health (especially in the Black, Latina, and Asian communities) and influencers raising awareness on the importance of therapy, some people are still unwilling to spend a big buck to talk to a stranger about their problems. Even the idea of being vulnerable and letting your demons known to said stranger gives some people major chills.
Which brings us to TikTok’s recent invention – the “therapy dupe trend.”
What Is The Therapy Dupe Trend?
If you’ve been anywhere near the internet lately, you’ve probably seen the girlies talking about how having a soft bubble bath, burning a scented candle, and sleeping on silk sheets made them feel a lot better (and as a result, they didn’t need to go in for a therapy session). Yup, that’s what the therapy dupe trend is all about.
@keepupwithme77 Ooh, therapy dupe ! ? #travel #fyp #blackgirltiktok ♬ Good & Plenty – Remix – Lucky Daye & Masego & Alex Isley
And while these “dupes” cannot in any way offer you the same mental clarity and support you get from speaking to a certified therapist, some babes have said that they’ve helped boost their mood (serotonin levels, to be exact) and gotten them out of whatever funk they were in.
So, if you’ve been feeling down lately and can’t afford a therapy session or are just looking for a mood booster between your sessions, here are 20 of our favorite ways to access those small pockets of joy when you really need them.
20 Mood-Boosting And Spirit-Calming Therapy Dupes
And in today’s episode of Black girl happiness, we bring you these cool and incredibly relaxing, TikTok-approved therapy dupes:
Move Your Body

When your day seems stuck on going downhill, amassing the strength to work out can seem impossible.
So why not go for a walk? Better yet, leave your AirPods at home (or not) and aimlessly stroll around your neighborhood. It’s the best and most relaxing therapy dupe there is.
Change Into Something Cozy
Sometimes something as small as changing out of your day clothes into a soft robe and fluffy slippers can instantly calm you down.
Get home clothes in fabrics your skin loves and colors that make you happy, and watch the mental transition happen.
Mess Around With Mood Lighting
The color, harshness, and placement of lights in your house can definitely affect your moods. So, get some cute nightstands (like this one here) or fairy lights to help transition your home into a cozy, mood-boosting haven.
Hop Into The Shower
Showers don’t have to be a functional activity. An everything shower (a luxe, lengthy, and soul-soothing one) after a difficult day can literally feel like a fresh start.
Feng Shui Your Home

Feng shui was all the rage a while ago.
And while you might not have the strength to do a 360 declutter and rearrange of your house, simply decluttering one room or drawer can give you a sense of accomplishment to push you through the remainder of the day.
Aromatherapy Anyone?
We’ll say it once (if not a hundred times over), aromatherapy is real. So, soak it up, sis.
And you can do so by lighting up some scented candles (salted caramel is our favorite for obvious reasons), incense sticks, or even the humidifier with your favorite essential oil. It’s the oldest therapy dupe in the books.
Find A Body Of Water

This can be a swimming pool, water fountain, beach, or river. Something about the movement and sounds of water bodies has been known to calm the brain down.
Cuddle A Pet
Anyone with a pet, whether furry, scaly, or feathery, knows that chilling with their baby can immediately calm them down.
If you don’t have a pet, walking outside or into a park will allow you to pet someone else’s (with consent, of course).
Get Something Yummy To Nibble On

Quick question. Are you sad, or are you hungry?
And even if you aren’t hungry, what’s the harm in anticipating something yummy? In most cases, the more colorful the food or drink, the better.
Jam It Up
It doesn’t matter if it’s an old record (hello, Queen fans) or Lizzo’s latest album; music has always been the universal therapy dupe. It can fix everything from a bad mood, a crappy day at work, or laziness (don’t ask how it just does).
Read Your Favorite Book

According to TikTok, reading a favorite read is the best therapy dupe there is. So, go to the library or visit your local bookstore and get a book to help get you out of that funk.
And, tbh, is there truly anything quite refreshing, like getting a new stack of books to make you feel inspired?
We didn’t think so.
Watch Re-Runs Of Your Favorite Show
Are you more of a 2000’s sitcom or Japanese anime person?
Regardless of what you like to watch, re-watching something that makes you happy is one way to quiet down the mess in your mind and elicit at least some giggles out of you.
Get Yourself A Treat

Treats – another old but foolproof therapy dupe. And it can be anything from getting the latest Colleen Hoover masterpiece, ordering your favorite cup of coffee, or buying yourself a cool Best Buy gift (these are our favorite).
The simple process of going out and buying yourself something you enjoy will have you feeling happier before you even make the purchase.
Have A Phone Date With Your Bestie
Sometimes a long or short phone call with someone who understands your breed of crazy is all you need to chase the sadness—dialing mine ASAP!
Lie Down

Taking a nap offers you a quiet escape. And sometimes, it works like a system update for your mind and body.
Play A Game
Remember that rush you used to get after completing a level of Angry Birds? Or Candy Crush? Therapy dupe activated!
Yay! Road Trips!
If you love traveling, get into your car, listen to your favorite playlist, and let the wind blow through your hair as you head to an unknown destination.
And it can be a fifteen-minute or four-hour trip. Either way, you’ll end up feeling better and wishing everyone knew how day-tripping is such a cool therapy dupe.
Drink Some Water
There’s a lot of truth in the statement that humans are just more advanced houseplants.
We need sunlight and water daily to survive. Your low mood might be directly linked to dehydration.
If plain water makes you gag, add some fruit slices.
Take Some Photos

Phot-taking will require you to stay still, even for a few seconds, and focus on something else.
On the flip side, when you print out the photos, you can go down memory lane.
Go Crafting
Another one of our favorite therapy dupes.
It can be anything from learning origami, how to crochet, or even getting acquainted with the art of baking. The simple process of making something using your hands will take your mind off life for a while. You’ll also get a mood boost once you start seeing your project take shape.
Get Some Flowers Or Plants

Being around nature is naturally relaxing and healing. If you can’t go out into nature, how about bringing nature to you in the form of a beautiful bouquet or a few plants?
Step Away From Your Phone
For most of us, constantly being on the different apps on our phones is a direct source of anxiety; therefore, if you can help, have a no-phone day or even a no-phone afternoon.