Have you ever been sited at your desk in a state of mild panic because the deadline for your project is looming, and you have no idea where to start? You have all the details you need; you’ve had more than enough time, and the work environment is perfect, but you can’t get your brain to do the thing.
This happens to the best of us, some more often than others, and is a result of mental blocks. Ahead, we explore four common mental blocks stopping you from reaching your best self status and how to overcome them.
The 4 Mental Blocks Stopping You From Reaching Best-Self Status
1. Procrastination
Procrastination in itself will have you putting off tasks that are unappealing or overwhelming. However, for most people, this mental block stems from a fear of failure or a perfectionist’s outlook.
When you combine these factors and add the pressure of a deadline, even the most minor tasks look ridiculously overwhelming and can cause your brain to shut down.
2. Imposter Syndrome
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Imposter syndrome will have you thinking you aren’t qualified enough to complete an activity. Regardless of your skill set or the fact that you may have done the same thing perfectly repeatedly,
That little voice in your head will have you feeling inadequate and, more often than not, will have you shying off from taking on a project because you already feel like your output will be less than perfect.
3. Unclear Goals
If you do not know your desired end result, starting on anything can be a problem. This is because you won’t have any objectives lined up, and even setting up a plan of action will be impossible. You’ll end up working haphazardly, and after a while, you’ll realize you’re actually getting nothing done.
4. Mental Exhaustion

Most people don’t realize that fatigue can cause a severe mental block. Continuously burning the candle at both ends, chronic multitasking, and taking on extra loads will tire out your brain. Sadly, most people won’t or don’t recognize mental exhaustion and will keep trying to push through the mental block until their body starts to give out.
How To Identify The Mental Blocks
So, you can tell something is wrong but aren’t sure what it is? There are some telltale signs of mental blocks which you can look out for you will see. These include;
- A lack of motivation or enthusiasm to do even the simplest things
- A strong resistance to take on tasks, including those that you’ve done before
- Constant self-doubt about your capabilities
- Feeling extremely overwhelmed by certain aspects of your job or life
- An inability to make decisions, even those relating to simple things
- Being scatterbrained or overly forgetful
- Struggling to tap into your creative side
This is definitely not a comprehensive list of how mental blocks may manifest, but if you saw yourself in a couple of these statements, then you have some work cut out for you.
How To Overcome These Mental Blocks
Getting out of a mental slump might not be easy, but by making a few changes to your life and outlook, you’ll slowly start to feel like yourself again.
1. Let Go Of The Concept Of Perfection

Everybody wants to put out perfect work. However, putting pressure on yourself to constantly churn out perfect results will have you second-guessing everything you do.
You’ll need to give yourself the grace to trust that the results you put out are the best you could do at that moment.
To start off, you can do the work you’ve been avoiding and then sit down and look at how you can improve it if need be.
2. Set Realistic And Attainable Goals
Having a clear goal prevents your brain from getting sidetracked, so don’t start any task without a clear goal. Before you begin any task, break it down into bite-sized chunks.
This will allow you to set realistic objectives which can be completed in a set amount of time. By ticking off every small section you’ve completed, you’ll get the dopamine rush and motivation to continue and finish the tasks.
3. Trust In Yourself
We know the voices telling you you’re not qualified can be very loud. However, more often than not, these voices are driven by a fear of failure, and they are lying to you.
Learning to self-validate and trust in your skills will allow you to slowly silence these voices. If you, for a fact, know that you are genuinely lacking in a particular area, then make some time to hone those skills while still engaging in the activity. Remember, practice does make perfect.
4. Get Enough Rest
Current times have us thinking that we have to be busy and productive all the time. However, you are not a hive insect, so this is neither true nor practical. Your body needs rest, and rest is not something you have to earn.
Rest can look different for people. Some people will take a nap, others will go outside and will people watch; sitting with a cup of tea and reading a sneaky romance novel also counts.
It would be best if you also learned how to take breaks while doing a task, and this should be before you start feeling burned out. Being properly rested benefits your body and keeps the mental blocks, particularly fatigue, away.
5. Change Your Environment
Move around and move things around. Sometimes, you might struggle to work because your desk looks like a hot mess. Removing physical clutter gives you a clean slate, both physically and mentally. Additionally, change locations if you consistently work from one specific spot and it’s simply not doing it for you.
Overcoming whichever mental blocks are affecting you will not be an instant thing. However, by giving yourself some grace and following the tips above, you will slowly start to notice the fog lifting. If this is too much to do alone, consider enlisting someone in your support system or even a specialist to help you with the process.