It’s no secret that Nene Leakes has had some work done and on her 56th birthday she addressed all the ‘rumors’.
In a very transparent video she admitted that she is all about doing whatever it takes to age that thing backwards.
In a recent video she said:
“So many people are reaching out to me like, ‘Oh my God, NeNe. You look great, you look amazing, you look this, you look that.’ Leakes began. “Uh, we gon’ age this thang backwards, now. We definitely ain’t trying to go forward so we gon’ definitely age this thang backwards.”
“fighting til the end.”
According to the Shaderoom, people are seemingly here for the new and improved Nene with some still making the point that we do have to appreciate ‘aging gracefully’.
“Nene looks amazing. However, I hope that we don’t become a society that no longer appreciates the beauty in aging gracefully! Aging is one thing, sculpting your face to look completely different has nothing to do with aging. Plenty of celebrities over 50 look amazing and while I’m sure many of them are getting treatments & such, they still look like themselves… halle, Tracey ellis ross, lisaraye, angela basset… all these women are aging gracefully and still look like the same person they were 20 years ago…”
“She looks damn good..she has elevated her look since RHOA.. Bravo Ms. Leaks ?”
“The crazy part is, if we all had money, I’m sure there’s something we would all fix about ourselves. So why judge other people ? I see women bashing women constantly. Let that woman be fine on her own and feel confident ?”
“Let that lady live. She been looking good as f**k lately!”
On Twitter people celebrated the reality star’s birthday with old clips of some of her most viral and meme-able moments!
Happy Birthday to the greatest Housewife of all-time, NeNe Leakes.
— The Third King ? (@thirdking0208) December 13, 2023
– happy Nene Leakes day!
— Rob Milton (@therobmilton) December 13, 2023
happy birthday to the queen of Housewives @NeNeLeakes
— B? (@bradney_) December 13, 2023
Not one of nene leakes many new jobs…
— sumér(1).png (@genericsynapsid) December 7, 2023
NeNe Leakes ok what ever that means
— ?????? ? (@iciestmedia) December 14, 2023
Happy Birthday to the O.G.. the G.O.A.T Housewife‼️‼️ #NeNeLeakes ?
— It was 4 Years Actually………. (@GrandDameOfDc) December 14, 2023
One of our favorite #NeneLeakes moments!
Don’t make me call Porsha!
— Cocktails & Culture Podcast ?️? (@WeAreCCPod) December 13, 2023
One thing about me.. and two things for sure.. I’m gonna use a Nene Leakes meme.
— raveen marie ?? (@xoraveen) December 14, 2023
Me too chile! Me too!