Nigerian-born Eva Khyne-Sam is a makeup artist that often shares her work on Instagram. Even though I just found her I was just as shocked as her followers to see the difference between her make-up free selfie and her face fully made up.
Eva has vitiligo which is a disorder that makes patches of the skin appear lighter than others. The light areas contain cells that no longer make pigment. One of the most prominent millennial with the same disorder is super model Winnie Harlow pictured below:
What I love about Eva’s marks is the fact that on certain angles it appears as if she has the shapes of Africa on her eyes. The shape is very distinct and seems match perfectly on both of her eyes which might be rare but absolutely stunning.
This is what her followers had to say the first time she shared her makeup free picture with them
Check out more of her pictures below:
She is so beautiful and her skin literally glows without makeup. Keep raising awareness about vitiligo Eva the world is listening.