Mental and emotional exhaustion is no joke. Be it pressure from work, family, friends, or the world at large (or all of the above!), there comes a time for each and every one of us when it all becomes too much and eventually causes some serious burnout.
If you’re not sure what burnout looks like, know that it’s different for all of us. For some of you, you may be too mentally or physically tired to do the things you once enjoyed, like going out with friends or spending the weekends doing your beloved hobbies.
For others, you might be too exhausted to do basic things like clean up the house and cook dinner, or trouble focusing on almost every task that requires a little effort and attention.
Burnout could even look like opting for fast food instead of cooking every other night, or procrastinating more than usual. For most of us, it’s a blend of all of the aforementioned things in one way or another.
Admittedly, the mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion of life can be exceptionally difficult to get through. However, there are a few simple things we can do to improve our wellbeing quickly and for the long haul. Here’s how to bounce back from burnout and regain your sense of self and health.
Go out into nature.
Getting into nature isn’t about going hiking or being among bugs and wildlife. No, going out into nature can be as simple as making sure you get some fresh air and sunlight every day.
Truth be told, being cooped up in the house or office all day can really have a negative impact on your mental, emotional, and physical health. On the flip side, making a point to get outside more does wonders for your overall health and wellbeing.
Studies show that getting enough air and sun can actually boost your mood, improve blood pressure and heart rate, and even strengthen your immune system and digestive health.
So whether it’s standing outside for 30 minutes every morning, gardening every afternoon, or basking in the moonlight ever night—get outdoors and do it often.
Get back to your body.
Did you know that sitting for long periods of time every day has actually been linked to premature death? While research on this topic may be a little sad and dark to think about, it should be enough motivation for you to get your body moving every single day.
Now, the majority of us are not olympic athletes. We’re not about to workout for 4 hours out of the day or run miles and miles each morning. However, there are a few things we can do to ensure that we naturally move our bodies more:
- Standing up and walking around while reading, talking on the phone, or engaging in other tasks we aren’t obligated to sit for.
- Walk, jog, or ride a bike to nearby places instead of driving.
- Stretch every morning when you get out of bed and every night before you get in it.
- Dedicate yourself to at least 30 minutes of fun, low impact exercise every day.
Whatever you decide to do to keep exhaustion at bay and rejuvenate your physical body, make sure you honor and respect your body and its boundaries along the way.
Rethink your food choices.
One thing nobody tells you about gut health is that it’s one of the biggest causes of physical exhaustion and fatigue. This is because having a poor diet can ultimately lead to sleep disturbances and be an overall drain to your energy.
Eating fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as more home cooked meals is truly the key to better gut health. You don’t have to buy expensive health foods or supplements—you just have to eat more whole, real foods instead of fast, processed foods.
If you’re really struggling with your energy levels, this may be a sign that you need to visit your primary care physician or see a nutritionist to determine if you have any food intolerances that may be causing lethargy and exhaustion.
Keep a food and mood journal, listen to and observe your body, and ultimately do what makes you feel healthy and whole.
Unplug for a while.
Constantly being plugged into social media and the internet as a whole is a surefire way to keep yourself mentally depleted and exhausted on the regular.
I mean, just think about what it truly means to live in the age of information. You’re constantly tapped in to other people’s thoughts and opinions, nonstop.
While this can be fun and interesting every now and then, even our own thoughts can overwhelm us at times! So imagine having to deal with your energy as well as other people’s energy—for better or worse—every day, all day.
You know what that is? Stressful!
So if you find yourself getting too worked up over what you see on the news or rolling down your social media feed, do yourself a favor and simply unplug.